Brady day 5 • Bozeman Newborn Photographer

Brady is offically my most photographed newborn (besides my own).  After a maternity, birth, and now newborn session he still tolerates me and my camera… for now 🙂

07ablog He started out WIDE awake but soon he gave in and drifted off into dream land.


* don’t you love his little hat, I made it 😉


  1. trisha Kalfell says:

    You take such beautiful photographs. I love your work!!!!!!

  2. OMG! i’m IN LOVE with your baby images. they are so fresh and real. the coloring is perfection. i’m definitely feeling inspired from your work as i prepare for a newborn baby shoot coming up next week! thanks so much for stopping by my blog. i’ll be back to yours for more…. 🙂

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