Canvas in its habitat • Product spotlight

Dorky title sorry, it must be all the Sesame Street (aka electronic distracter) being played around here during the holiday rush.

Amy ordered a beautiful canvas of her little man from his newborn session.  I love that Amy chose to do two images on one canvas and it turned out beautifully.  I usually photograph my favorite pieces before I send them off to clients, but Amy is a very good photographer herself so I asked her to photograph the canvas in its habitat 🙂  Thank you Amy.  My only thought is that we should have gone bigger 🙂  This canvas is 8×16 for reference.

In the spirit of the holidays, and my love of canvases (I have 5 in my home alone!) I’m offering a 20% discount on all canvases!  Canvases must be ordered by December 3 2009, 11:59 pm.  If you need your gallery re-hosted shoot me an email.


  1. Amy says:

    I do love it so! (And I think you’re right. . . we could have gone bigger!) 😉

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