One of the best parts of my job is getting to meet fun new families.  Silly families who love to joke, laugh, tickle, cuddle, kiss and even hold their kids upside down.  (I have many wonderful families to catch up on blogging so expect to see a lot of new smiling faces on the blog in […]

children, family, inhomesession

January 13, 2015

Party of Five • photographers bozeman mt area

When this awesome family requested a photography session at their home on Flathead Lake I jumped at the opportunity!  I was honored they chose me out of the many wonderful Montana photographers.  Flathead lake did not disappoint in late August, even if the weather threatened to rain.  The lake and mountains provide the perfect backdrop […]

family, inhomesession

January 12, 2015

Flathead Lake Family • Montana Photographers

Happy New Year!  Now that the wonderful holiday season is behind us it is time to catch up on blogging all of the wonderful sessions photographed this fall.  Blogging had to take a back seat to keep up with all of the amazing families that invited me into their lives and provide the best customer […]

family, onlocation, portrait

January 2, 2015

perfection • Bozeman Family Photographers

The craziest part of photographing sweet sleeping little newborns is that you blink and bam they are funny, adorable, almost walking 1 year olds!  Wasn’t this little girl just in her mama’s belly?!  Now that the weather has turned frigid this little sunshine is warming up my day.  Little miss was so close to walking and […]

children, family, onlocation

November 11, 2014

a little sunshine • Bozeman photographers

     I was delighted when I got a call from a client wanting to gift her mother with a photo session for Mother’s day.  I think we are all too guilty of not having enough photos of our kids with their grandparents.  I’m the worst at getting those images captured.  I’m usually so focused […]

family, onlocation, portrait

July 1, 2014

Oma and Opa • Bozeman area photographers

© 2006-2025 Kelly Kuntz