I saw a great saying via my friend Erin Cobb yesterday.  “October is to photographers as April is to accountants”.  In my opinion it is really October to March because the accountants I know (my FIL) heads out on a two week vacation April 16th and I’m no where near a two week vacation in […]

children, family, onlocation

October 17, 2012

playful • Bozeman family photographer

I LOVED this session and this wonderful family.  We were blessed with a beautiful Bozeman evening, magically the smoke cleared out just for this evening.  They brought their canoe which made for a great personal touch. And for the first 5 minutes (or seconds) little K was a quiet, & shy little boy…but then her turned […]


September 23, 2012

paddling • Bozeman Family Photographer

I am very lucky to work with so many amazing and beautiful (and handsome) clients, inside and out.  I am truly thankful! This family was not exception.  I have decided to save all of the family and “together” pictures for them to see so we don’t ruin any possible Holiday cards, but this good looking […]


November 15, 2011

dreaming of fall • Bozeman Family Photographer

but this family is so delightful! The first snow storm of the year happen to land right in the middle of our scheduled session.  They were troopers and decided to tough out the cold and the snow for some great snowy holiday pictures.  Little C was so delighted to eat the snow and tromp all […]

children, family

November 14, 2011

the weather outside is frightful! • Bozeman Family Photographer

I first met this sweet little family three years ago when the big sister was spunky 1 year old.  Today, she is still as spunky as ever and has since added a trusty side kick little sister. We had lots of fun and adventures. We ended our night together with a little game of ring […]

children, family, portrait

August 16, 2011

sisters • Bozeman Child Photographer

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