Family maternity photography session. I love adding a maternity photography session to newborn sessions.  As this fun family was piling out of the car one of the boys was a little car sick and threw up.  He had some skill and managed to not get any on himself or dad.  After a little bit of […]

maternity, onlocation

June 28, 2019

soon to be big brothers |Bozeman Maternity

It is funny how fast we forget winter when spring rolls around.  The leaves are coming, the grass is getting green and even though this winter maternity session wasn’t that long ago it feels like ages.  Maybe that is why we all keep enduring these harsh winters, we so quickly forget the cold.  The snow-covered […]

maternity, onlocation, portrait

May 7, 2018

Winter maternity – Kelly Kuntz Photography

This spring I headed over the hill from Bozeman to Livingston to meet and photograph some Texas transplants.  They survived this winter up in the mountain with frozen pipes and all so I think they have what it takes to stick it out.  This winter was a doozy!  The views from their home were spectacular and […]

inhomesession, maternity

June 12, 2017

Anticipation | Bozeman maternity photographer

Montana makes for such a gorgeous back drop for capturing this sweet couple on the cusp of a life changing adventure.  Their little family will grow from two to four.  Yes, there are two little babies tucked in her tiny little belly.  One boy and one girl.  Our photography session started out with wonderful weather, […]


July 27, 2015

Bozeman Maternity Photography – stormy skies

This sweet couple is less than a month from welcoming their first baby into the world, and I couldn’t be more excited for them.  Nicole you are just glowing! Don’t forget to check out my favorite artsy maternity picture.  

maternity, onlocation

April 15, 2013

baby bump • Bozeman Maternity Photography

© 2006-2025 Kelly Kuntz