What his last days as an only child looks like • Bozeman Lifestyle Photographer

Together with six other amazing Montana photographers we start our first month of a lifestyle blogging project.  Our simple goal is to capture our own families from a true life perspective.  This personal project we share is called, “What _______ looks like.”  Each month we each choose to fill in that blank with our own words.  We will each link to the next photographer until our circle of 7 is complete.  I hope you follow the our circle and enjoy this peek into our lives.  Hopefully it will help inspire you to start recording your own family’s unique moments.

This month as our family prepares to grow by one I decided to document the last few days of Aiden as an only child, as he prepares to be a big brother.

Remembering all his old board books

testing out the baby gear

and trying out the baby toys and picking out a birthday present for his new baby.

Since we both need a nap these days, we have started napping together for a special treat.  I tried to get a sleeping picture of him, I slowly turned on the noise machine app on my phone and slowly turned it up.  Just as I got my camera settings correct, his eyes popped open.  I guess my newborn tricks don’t work on a 3 1/2 year old.  So we settled for fun, laughing and cuddling pictures instead…

A quiet visit to the library

Ok baby, we are ready to meet you!

Now follow me over to check out what the fabulous photography duo Jeremiah & Rachel Kalispell, MT photographers are up to this month. (post coming soon!)

*This is our first month so we are still working out all the kinks.  Please check out the other amazing photographers as well!
Sky Hatten Photography • Helena Photographer
Fry Photography • Bozeman Photographer
Shannon Hollman Photography • Kalispell Photographers
Stacy Reiman Photography • Great Falls Photographer

  1. shannon hollman says:

    LOVE these…and this idea!! he is adorable! can’t wait to see the baby pictures!!!

  2. natalie says:

    OMG this is awesome!!! and you look absolutely amazing!!!!

  3. Skye says:

    So very sweet, Kelly…I think he’s going to take his brotherly duties seriously. 😉

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