10 on Tuesday

1. Last year Ryan and I didn’t get hit up for Girl Scout cookies once.  So this year when a little Girl Scout strolled into his office he made sure he bought some.  And since the boy scout popcorn never made it home from Ryan’s office I made sure I ordered some cookies for myself from Aunt Christy’s little sister Lauren.  The next day the door bell rings and standing there is a little Girl Scout.  Ryan has a soft spot in his heart for kids that have the guts to go door to door and do all the talking (not the parents).  So he bought some more.  So 10 boxes later I think were set this year.  Grammy is really set though, she bought 16 boxes!

2. I’m looking for a big wall letter for our living room wall.  (blue, red or silver)  Any ideas?

3. After MONTHS of saying “dada” Aiden can now say “mum mum” and “mom”.  I know he isn’t really calling me, just babbling and trying to attack the camera.

4.  We rented “The Secret Life of Bees” last night from the Red Box.  You can sign up to get a text every Monday with a code to get a free movie. It was a good movie. I got all teary being a mom, and seeing the beautiful picture of mother and daughter, the connection and the love. Yes I got teary because of a picture in a movie, I’m a sap. I want a picture of Aiden and I that shows our connection, shows that I love him.

5.  If you husband wants to get “Call of Duty: World at War”  Say NO.  He’ll get addicted.

6.  When I fix Aiden’s dinner at night he looks into his reflection in the window, smiles, waves, and claps.  Then he screams at me to hurry up, I spared you that part.

clapping from Kelly Kuntz on Vimeo.

7.  My birthday is coming up and I have a few things on my list (I’m not telling you this because I think you should get me something, but because you’ll want to put it on your list too):

– a flip video camera (I don’t have time for tapes and the ps camera just isn’t doing it for me)

– a balance ball chair since I sit on my hiney all day and need better posture and a stronger core.

– a Nikon d700 (if I keep asking it might just happen :-)) I’m not linking this one because the price will give you a heart attack.

8.  I’ve secretly (well not anymore) been planning the details for Aiden’s first birthday party.  Simple, cute and not over the top.

9.  Do you watch Jon and Kate plus 8?  Kate is a little crazy, but I would be too if I had 8 kids.  The shows are getting boring, but I can’t stop watching thanks to DVR.

10.  Birthday season has begun.  Every Birthday in my family AND Ryan’s family falls between February 17 and July 21.  To make it worse all of the little boys all celebrate their birthdays between April and June.  Party Central!

  1. Courtney Kramer says:

    I love the crawling an mmmmooommmmmuummmm sounds he’s making. Also, Ryan layong on the floor in the background looks THRILLED to be participating!!!

  2. admin says:

    yeah Ryan is usually THRILLED to participate 😉

  3. Amy says:

    Most of this is in response to your previous post, but I find that I sometimes miss comments on older posts, so here it is. . .

    That shot of me “setting up” the group shot made me laugh out loud! It was worth squirming into the car to get it, though! And your colors in the shots of Aiden at the Museum are great. I’ve got to get some more lessons is CS3!

    I found a big gold letter “S” at Marshall’s before we moved. . . maybe they’d have something like it at Ross? Or you could try Etsy. I also just ordered some MDF letter’s to decorate for Hayden’s room. The same guy did them in any thickness, choice of over 50 fonts, and MDF or a few kinds of wood. I can’t remember who I ordered from, but you surely find a seller on google (that’s what I did). Then get crafty with some paint or decoupage!

    Oh, and I love Ten on Tuesday’s with lots of links. Off the check out free movie rentals right now 🙂

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