10 on Tuesday

1.  Aiden is battling a NASTY cold.  I hate the internal debate of whether or not to take him to the doctor.  He was at the doctor three times in December and everytime it was nothing.  Just a cold.  He has his 9 month appointment tomorrow so I think I’ll just wait until then.

2.  Aiden has a new word “ah-doe”.

3.  Our Roomba has kicked the bucket 🙁 after only two months it is pretty disappointing.  There is a flaw with the brushes and they think their dirty and need cleaning all the time.  It is something we could just send in to the company, but we got it at Costco so we’re just going to exchange it for a new one.  Despite the flaw in our model I would recommend Roomba!  Our house has never been cleaner.  (there can’t be any clutter when you’re relying on a robot to vacuum)

4.  I jumped on the band wagon and started reading Twilight.  I feel like I’m in high school again reading a Mary Higgins Clark murder mystery.  Even though I’m exhausted at night I can stay up and read for over an hour.  I read until 1 am the other night. Usually I’m a narcoleptic when it comes to reading, three pages and I’m sleeping.  This is why I never finished reading any of the books assigned in English… I couldn’t stay awake for it.  Once in Middle School while reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn I fell asleep, and when I woke up in the morning my dog had chewed up my book.  Your dog really can eat your homework 🙂

5.  We started eating cheerios


7. and Lula is really happy about it


8. my landscapers (For Mark and Joslyn :-))


9. Lula loves the new couch.


10. and Bailey loves looking our the window



  1. Courtney Kramer says:

    Aiden is such a talkative little guy! I had cheerios today too!

  2. Joslyn Shackelford says:

    Yeah for PR and the matching T’s.

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