We had our 39 week appointment today (I can’t believe baby is “due” in 6 days!) and it was pretty exciting. I’m dialated 3 cm and 70-80% effaced! I didn’t gain any weight this week! and the baby’s heart rate is in the 140s. The doctor hopes tomorrow… but we made an appointment for next week just in case.
Thanks for all the recent comments!
and Julie we don’t know if baby is a boy or a girl although Ryan thinks girl and I think boy (and sometimes girl)
That is so exciting Kelly! Best wishes as you get closer to meeting the little guy (or girl).
SO exciting!! We just had our 16 week apt. and I thought THAT one was exciting! I can only imagine how excited I’ll be at 39 weeks!! Fun that you don’t know what you’re having!! (Though I wouldn’t be able to stand it!!) ..we just found out we’re having a boy…!! but my doctor said she wasn’t totally sure, though she thinks it’s a boy so I’m waiting to share the big news until we’re totally sure. Anyways…KEEP UPDATING your blog!! I’ve been checking it daily, I can’t wait to hear the baby news!!! YAY