I’m home!

I finally made it home from my workshop in San Francisco with the amazing and talented Nate Kaiser of the Image is Found and Susan Stripling from Susan Stripling Photography! It was amazing, I learned so much and can’t wait to share it with all of you. Here is one of Nate in action.

Here is the gorgeous sky on my flight to Denver:

a portrait of Kathryn Kruger:

click to enlarge

And a few touristy shots from inside the Conservatory at Golden Gate Park.
click to enlarge

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Stay tuned for Gretchen’s senior pictures coming tomorrow! August is pretty booked up and September is following right behind. Don’t delay in booking your session.

  1. Anonymous says:

    the Lily pad photo…. that’s a GREAT shot kel. I would add it to your portfolio. -Darc

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