a little photo shoot

This is the belly at 38 weeks…(Don’t worry, I’m still planing on doing the standard black and white to match the rest) Darcie is helping me shoot Dom and Megan’s wedding this weekend so she was practicing with the camera last night. Man I’m getting huge.

We had a our doctor’s appointment today and things are moving along. I’m 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I actually lost weight (a first) this week, but that was thanks to the stomach flu that hit me REALLY hard this weekend. My blood pressure was a little high, but I contribute that to stressing over this wedding, it wasn’t high enough to worry about though. The little bean’s heart rate was right around 140 beats per minute.

Ryan and I have been putting the finishing touches on the nursery and I’ll take some pictures this weekend to show everyone.

  1. Sam and Jules says:

    I can’t wait to see pictures of your nursery! And I think your belly looks cute. Mine has started poking out a little bit, not enough to know I’m pregnant, just enough to make me look fat! I’m excited to get more of a belly and actually look pregnant, instead of looking like a just had a big lunch!

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