a portrait of our family


Following my friend Julie’s (I’d link, but her blog is private) lead.  I hereby commit to offer the first three individuals to comment on this post a homemade gift of my choosing; however, in order to post a comment, you have to first post this on your own blog and agree to do the same for another three people. You in turn have the opportunity to do likewise to this post and be the recipient of a fun homemade gift from me.  Just my little way of saying thanks for reading and following our crazy and usually boring lives.

The fine print:
It will take a little time, I’ll make it just for you, or whomever you choose, and the chances are pretty good that it will be knitted… or sewn if that is your fancy.

  1. Courtney Kramer says:

    I’ll bite 🙂 I thought of your bathroom while we were in Hawaii. I picked up a postcard, and remembered that you had Hawaiian themed postcards in your powder room! Also, what color of yellow is your powder room- its perfect! And so bright and cheery.

    Also- Aiden’s facial expression cracks me up. Its like “Hey, I’m up high! And I know those people in the mirror.”

  2. kelsie says:

    you KNOW I read your blog faithfully (and always have!). And now that I know google reader, I can be even better!!! yay! I love the family picture. its cute. Its very like “capturing” – you with the camera, aiden smiling, ryan kind of annoyed…And I love the pictures of drumming. so cute!!! I can’t wait to have a kid…

  3. Amy says:

    Love Aiden’s smile! There’s nothing better than a seat on Daddy’s shoulders.

  4. admin says:

    Sweet I know what I’m making you all 🙂

    Court the yellow is Belgian Waffle from Lowes (or home depot) I still have the swatch if you’d like.

    Kels you hit the nail on the head… Ryan is always annoyed when the camera is out.

    Amy Aiden totally agrees!

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