a weekend away

Ryan, Lula and I got to get away last weekend to visit our friends Mark and Joslyn in Polson and Jerry, Jenny, Julia and Ben in Kalispell. We drove up during the hottest day of the year, it was 106! Luckily we were in the car for most of the scorching heat with our lovely AC. We met up with Mark, Joslyn and Joslyn’s cousin Tiff for some dinner at the Raven. The Raven is on Flathead lake and has the look of a dive bar, but they have the best sushi I have had in Montana, even if you have to wait FOUR hours for it! the view was great though 🙂 I left the camera at home since people are getting a little sick of the paparazzi. The next day we headed up to Kalispell and over to Tally Lake with the Martin family. The mosquitoes were crazy and immune to our bug spray. We had a great cook out and cooled off in the water. Julia is getting so big she is now three and Ben is one. They had a blast and loved the water.

Julia relaxing in the water. click to enlarge

Skipping rocks with the boys. click to enlarge

Ben with the “trampoline” he found…thanks to the kind person that just left their tube on the side of the lake. click to enlarge

Little Benny…all boy, all the time! click to enlarge

Thanks for the great visit!


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