bedroom: after

Ryan and I both gravitated toward this really dark blue from Eddie Bauer called Mercer Blue.  When you look at the paint sample it looks way too dark so we decided on one accent wall.  After painting one wall, we decided to bite the bullet and go for two.  Because the builder beige absorbed so much light the blue really isn’t darker, which totally surprised me.  The light blue reflects so much light that it is the perfect balance. 03051001ablogNow I just have to figure out what to do with the walls.  The big red star is going to go on the dark wall, and our wedding picture on the little blue wall, but other then that we are at a loss.

Th major perk of the remodel, a nice little portrait wall!


  1. Courtney says:

    I love it Kel! I’ve always wanted a blue bedroom, but both times we painted my room blue, we moved within 6 months. It’s bad luck for me or something 🙂

  2. Beatrice Killam says:

    Holy cow, who IS that in the last picture? He literally looks like 6 months older than the last time I saw him!

  3. Amy says:

    Looks fab! I can see why you both gravitated to that color. . . a perfect match for Aiden’s eyes!

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