10 on Tuesday

1.  Our lives have been crazy this March, this post will be random, but that is what our life is right now.

2.  February 17th brought the start of birthday season in our family.  Everyone’s birthday in our family occurs between February 17 and July 21.  Between February 17 and March 17 there are 5 birthdays, Ryan and I concluded.

3.  When planning your children try not to have the subsequent child the day before your older child’s birthday.  It was Ryan’s sister’s worst birthday.  Or so I’ve heard.  I think she is over it now 🙂

4.  Happy St. Patrick’s Day/Happy Birthday to me 🙂

5.  We spent the weekend at Moonlight and it was so much fun.  Great friends, good food and lots of games.  I won all the chips at the poker table if you were wondering 😉

6.  While up there we went snow shoeing.  I backpacked Aiden in (I won’t say up or down, because the terrain was varied) and Ryan backpacked him out.

7.  Sunday night we ended up in the ER.  Ryan was having chest pains and wasn’t feeling well.  After an EKG, chest x-ray and a cat scan everything was normal.  The verdict; he over exerted himself backpacking Aiden.

8.  When re-telling the story he always fails to mention that I backpacked him 1/2 the time.  So I’m clearing the air.  😉

9.  Ryan and I are off again this weekend to St. George Utah.  I’m excited for a relaxing vacay.  It deserves its own post so don’t worry I’ll give you all the details.

10.  We’ll be leaving Aiden for 4 days.  The longest since he was born.  I’m hoping to skype with him everyday to keep up with the ever changing vocabulary.

  1. Courtney says:

    Oh man! I’m glad to hear Ryan is ok! And that you’re in good aerobic shape 🙂 And that you won the poker chips!

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