Downtown Bozeman

A gas explosion rocked Downtown Bozeman this morning at 8:12 am.  The pile of rubble includes Lily Lu, Boodles and the R Bar just to name a few.  looking-north

Our friend Courtney send us a few pictures from downtown since she works just a few one block from the explosion.



Luckily there have been no casualties reported (UPDATE but 1 or 5 people are still missing)

For more info.

UPDATE: I just found out that my dad was on the corner of Rouse and Main (the view from the second picture) when the blast occured!

  1. Amy says:

    This is just so sad! I’m amazed and thankful that the damage to life was so minimal. I’m also hopeful that the city will come together and rebuild. . . it’s one of the things that makes this place so great. I *heart* Bozeman!

  2. kelsie says:

    my brother mark left his truck parked behind the R Wednesday night (well, behind Boodles, next to the kitchen where the explosion ocurred) and Im pretty sure he doesnt’ have a truck anymore. But his quote: “Kels, I can buy a new truck but I can’t buy a new R Bar.”

  3. Jill Gin says:

    Wow! Can’t believe how close your dad was!!

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