half way • instagram project 365

188ameliajuneThe year is a little more than half way over (CRAZY!) and I’ve been able to keep up with my little instagram project 365 (you can find me @kellykuntz) #365AmeliaJune.  An iPhone photo each day for a year.  So far I’ve missed 24 days.  I’m surprised it was that many, but considering she spends 3 days a week in “day care” it isn’t a big number.  If I miss a day I just keep trucking along.  I’ve loved this project so far in that I’m able to easily capture memories that would not have been captured otherwise.  At the end of the year I plan on making a book of her little adventures.  She has grown so much in 6 months, and I know the next six will go just as fast.  Slow down little girl!



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