His first Halloween…

I’m a lame mom. I’m right in the middle of crazy holiday busy season (excuse number 1), I’m cheap (excuse number 2), and he won’t remember (excuse number 3) are a few of the reasons why I didn’t plan on a Halloween costume for Aiden. The guilt began to grow the more and more people asked what Aiden was going to be for Halloween. I started thinking about what we currently had that could make a costume… and we found Farmer Aiden. Still lame I know. Aunt Jen invited us downtown for trick-or-treating with the cousins. Craziness! Aiden taking in the scene.Some of the costumes were AMAZING making me feel like an even lamer mom. People would peek in the stroller and you could see the look on their face… “oh… he is not dressed up”. We had fun though, Colter was impressed with his loot.

Ryan and I are lame. As a couple we’ve never dressed up for Halloween, and the last time I donned a costume was in college. We make really good candy givers, but that is about it. Much to our surprise we got invited to three Halloween parties!… what?!? We opted for the low key dinner and Scene it with babies sleeping upstairs with the Pitmans.

How cute is Charlie Brown! (I tried to pull together a Linus costume last minute, but I couldn’t do it… because I’m lame)

Farmer Aiden getting so big sitting by himself.
and standing with some help
Next year we’ll have a better costume… promise!


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