Mighty Mo • Bozeman Baby Photographer

If you are a fan of Kelly Kuntz Photography on Facebook you may have already seen two of these photos, but they are too cute not to share here again with you.

Mighty Mo (aka Morgan) is 7 months old and sitting up, a milestone worth capturing.  Morgan was feeling a little shy when he first arrived, but it was nothing a few tosses from Dad couldn’t cure.  He is a boy after my heart looking at me the entire time.  🙂 UPDATE: Morgan’s shirt says “Bridger Crossfit future firebreather”

As we discussed the next set up, Mom said “We can try, but he doesn’t like to be on his stomach”.  I started him on his back just in case he truly didn’t like being on his belly and flipped out.  He was a fan of the fur.

When mom flipped him over, he was happy as a clam, a total charmer.  So I guess he DOES like being on his belly, but only when in the buff ;-).

When discussing Morgan’s session I asked his mom to bring a few toys that were special.  A Super Nintendo controler is Morgan’s favorite, and his eyes are my favorite.  So handsome!

  1. sarah says:

    that nintendo controller photo is CLASSIC! love it!

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