one of the perks • Belgrade Child Photographer

One of the perks of having me for a sister in law means that you get lots of photos taken of your children.  However the downside is that your photos usually go strait to the back of the to-do list.  I have hundreds of photos of my little nephews that are sitting waiting to be processed.  I needed to make that up to my sister in law.  So this week when she requested a session for her boys I jumped at the opportunity this weekend while the weather was still beautiful.  Yes, I shot their session this morning, and have their proofs up tonight, even after a full day of family time.  I guess we can thank my husband for watching Lord of the Rings again to keep me motivated and focused.  I hope this makes up for all of the unedited photos sitting on my computer. 🙂10a1blog Colter – age 3 1/2:  Loves all things Spiderman and Lightning McQueen (and of course his Mama).  Has a great imagination.  Is a very loving (sometimes smothering) big brother.


Cameron (aka Buggy) – age 18 months:  A very chill dude, just goes with the flow.  Adventurous and active, a very fast runner.  He is very quiet, and loves a good snuggle.



random side note: See the little pocket on the inside of Colter’s jacket; it is for a cell phone (notice the icon on the tag) what 3 year old has a cell phone?


And one of the cousins together 🙂



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