There are two people in my life that I would NEVER choose to go on a shopping spree with, my husband and my dad. We all know Ryan doesn’t like to spend money (unless he is the one spending it) and if you are shopping he is hovering wondering when we are going to be done. And Dad, well he just doesn’t like to shop, ever. That all changes for both of the them when a shopping trip includes IKEA! and the apple store.
Ryan and I along with my parents made the 6.5 hour drive down to Salt Lake City over President’s day weekend. I’ve heard sitting for that long while pregnant isn’t fun, but I though “heck I sit on my butt all day at work this should be fine.” Six months pregnant and I was not fine. My back hurt, my feet were swollen (a first so far) and I was exhausted, I even walked around every time we stopped.
We spent the first 2+ hours of our Saturday in the apple store. I thought these guys didn’t like shopping? We hit up Mimi Maternity (expensive, but nice) the California Pizza Kitchen and of course the apple store again. 🙂 Ryan then found a Nordstom’s Rack via his blackberry and decided he wanted to go there too (I promise he really doesn’t like to shop). We then made our way over the the Cheesecake Factory for the three hour dinner wait! Yikes! We broke up the three hours with a trip to Babies R Us, but it was a long day. After dinner we were beyond stuffed and exhausted.
Then on Sunday we got to go to IKEA! Our plan was to spend 2 hours in IKEA and get on the road by noon because Ryan wanted to hit up the Patagonia sale in Dillion (I really really swear he doesn’t like to shop!). 4 hours later, 1 shopping cart and 3 flat carts later we walked out of IKEA. I guess Ryan and my dad do like to shop! We loaded up the back of the truck and headed home with empty wallets and exhausted bodies.As you can see we got a TON of boxes. Only two…yes two of those boxes are for the baby!
Stay tuned for photos of our new bedroom (hence all of the boxes) and hopefully project pictures of the nursery.
Thanks to anyone who is still actually reading this really really long post 🙂
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