ONE • Bozeman Child Photographer

Oh I love watching my clients grow up. It is so fun to watch them go from a precious newborn to a bundle of personality.  You might remember this little sweetie Daphne from her newborn session last year.  When I showed up to photograph this little 1 year old I was shocked with how light her hair had gotten.


I’ll give you a moment to soak up those baby blues… 25ablog


big sister Dakota got in on the photo action too.  She was a little shy, and didn’t understand who this goofy lady was, but she warmed up to me, they always do 🙂47ablog03a1blog


Her grandma calls her “sober sides”.  Little miss Daphne makes you WORK for a smile, but nothing a little pink pom pom couldn’t fix.


Don’t you love her newsboy hat?!  Her talented Aunt made it!  If you want one too you can visit her website.

Happy 1st Birthday Daphne!

  1. Amy says:

    These are great, Kelly! You get the prettiest subjects to work with! 🙂

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