Bozeman Newborn Photography I had so much fun photographing these two big sisters and their new little brother.  They were all so full of smiles.  When I photograph a new baby I try to capture all of the details that make each baby unique.  This little brother has perfect little lips and big cheeks.  He […]

baby, newborn

October 30, 2019

baby brother – Bozeman Newborn Photography

Little sweet pea. I am excited for every client that books their newborn photo session with me.  However, there is an extra validation and honor that comes when a fellow photographer books you to photograph their newborn.  Fran of Fran Ze Photography brought her brand new little girl in for her newborn pictures and I […]

newborn, Studio

July 2, 2019

Blooms and baby | newborn photo session

Winter Family Photography This session is an oldie.  I have actually already photographed this family again, but these pictures have been sitting in a draft blog post just waiting for me to come up with the words.  I am not a writer so I always procrastinate this part of the job.  You are just here […]

family, inhomesession, portrait

June 27, 2019

Big Sky winter family photography

In the eleven years of Kelly Kuntz Photography and being a Bozeman Photographer, there have been many peaks and valleys.  2018 was the highest peak so far!  I photographed more families, newborns, and maternity portraits than ever before.  I have truly enjoyed each and every session and I am so grateful for my clients.  Even if […]

news, portrait

January 8, 2019

2018 | Bozeman photographer

Everyone has a place that is special to them.  For this family, it is the Bridger Mountains outside of Bozeman.  Their baby is a Bridger Mountain baby for sure!  I suggested a location, but when I arrived they one-upped me and took me up to an amazing spot with these spectacular views.  Mom brought along this amazing […]

baby, family, onlocation, portrait

January 31, 2018

Bridger Mountain Baby | Bozeman family

© 2006-2025 Kelly Kuntz