1.  While walking down town with Aiden I taught him the when to cross the street.  If we’re anywhere near a stoplight he’ll remind me by shouting “WHITE GUY” or “RED HAND”! 2.  Never under estimate the power of a timer with a toddler.  Changing activities is so much easier with “when the timer beeps”.  […]

10onTuesday, Shackelfords

May 13, 2010

10 on Thursday (because Tuesday came and went too fast)

1.  Our lives have been crazy this March, this post will be random, but that is what our life is right now. 2.  February 17th brought the start of birthday season in our family.  Everyone’s birthday in our family occurs between February 17 and July 21.  Between February 17 and March 17 there are 5 […]


March 16, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1.  We’re looking at buying a second home… I’ll post more on that later because lord knows with Ryan nothing is a done deal until I see it with the whites of my eyes. 2.  At four o’clock everyday you can hear the sound of the neighbor kids playing on the sidewalk out in front […]


April 7, 2009

10 on Tuesday

I started this on Tuesday, but story of my life Aiden woke up and life got busy… 1.  I should have known I was jinxing myself with the last post.  We all got a nasty cold on Saturday morning (Aiden had it Wednesday) and are still working on getting better. 2.  Big thanks to my […]


January 14, 2009

ten on Tuesday …. ahhh Wednesday

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