Caution grab a box of tissues. While working and watching Oprah the other day she shared the story of the Baby Eliot and his parents. Here is their story I’m always asked “I bet you have so many pictures of Aiden…” and I always respond “not enough”. I will make an effort to document more, […]


November 3, 2008

remember to cherish everyday

I’m a lame mom. I’m right in the middle of crazy holiday busy season (excuse number 1), I’m cheap (excuse number 2), and he won’t remember (excuse number 3) are a few of the reasons why I didn’t plan on a Halloween costume for Aiden. The guilt began to grow the more and more people […]


November 2, 2008

His first Halloween…

This weekend we started a new Kuntz family tradition. We headed to Rocky Creek Farm to pick a pumpkin out of the “pumpkin” patch. In reality its a corn field with store bought pumpkins, but Aiden doesn’t know that so we’ll call it a pumpkin patch. It was a little chilly so we bundled up […]


October 29, 2008

A trip to the pumpkin patch…

She did it to me so I have to spread the good news! Julie and Sam welcomed baby Tucker on Saturday! Julie you look beautiful and you’re totally glowing! (these are Julie’s pictures not mine) Little Tucker so handsome and wide eyed.


October 27, 2008

Congrats Julie and Sam!

Isn’t she so cute! I was surprised to find out that two of the one year olds I shot in September were both born on the same day! Little N shares a birthday with Peyton (look for his sneak peak soon). N’s parents have a great house in an awesome location just up the hill […]


October 22, 2008

Little N • Bozeman Child Photographer

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