I have so many sessions from this summer and fall that I need to share with you!  On a hot hot July afternoon in Bozeman I met this awesome family at the park.  We played, they kissed, snuggled and wrestled  throughout their session.  These siblings have such a funny relationship kiss, wrestle, kiss, repeat.  This family […]

family, onlocation, toddler

March 18, 2016

Bozeman Family Photographer – together

Have you ever wished that you could look beyond the photos and see what goes into making a fun photo session?  Well now you can!  This fall I had the opportunity to work with a pair of amazing film makers to create a little behind the scenes video about Kelly Kuntz Photography.  It was an honor to work […]

baby, family, newborn, news

April 14, 2015

Bozeman Photographers Kelly Kuntz Photography

Raise your hand if it’s your birthday!  (Or if your birthday was 3 months ago ;-))  Miss K invited me out the week of her birthday to capture her sweet spunky attitude and watch her eat some cake for the first time!  Her mama did such a wonderful job planning her photography session.  She had […]

baby, family, inhomesession

February 13, 2015

Heels, Pearls and Cake • Bozeman cake smash photography

The leaves this fall were just glorious, and I was so excited this family called to book photos of their family at home playing in the leaves under their favorite tree.  Sweet little sister was a gem and so easy to photograph.  Big brother wasn’t too impressed with this new lady coming into his home, […]

family, inhomesession, portrait

February 2, 2015

leaves • Bozeman Family Photography

ONE!  I love one year sessions.  Babies are usually full of giggles, smiles and can so off their tricks of clapping, crawling, standing and attempting to walk.  I dislike one year photo sessions because it means I won’t get to see this peanut in 3 or 6 months.  One of my favorite aspects of this […]

baby, family, inhomesession

January 15, 2015

ONE • Bozeman photographers

© 2006-2025 Kelly Kuntz