Friday Favorites | Camp, book club and invitations

Happy Friday!  We made it through the week and the first month(ish) of summer break.  Hooray!

Let’s talk about a few of my favorite things that I have been loving lately.

• To help us ease into summer I signed both kids up for Bozeman Sports Camp’s June camp.  They have gone 1 – 5 pm Monday thru Friday and it has been so great to have dedicated work hours even if they are a little shorter than usual.  Today is that last day and I know we are going to miss it.  There are two more sessions if you’re still looking for a camp for your K – 6 grader.

• I cleaned out my email box this week.  Gmail makes it so easy to hold onto everything and mine was out of control.  I went through and archived everything important, and deleted everything else.  It was so freeing and eye-opening as to how many promotional emails I get.  I’ve been unsubscribing and deleting every day.  An empty inbox is a big weight off my shoulders.

• While cleaning my inbox I was reminded of a great company/service called Paperless Post.  They are like evite but better.  Back when Amelia was turning 1 our lives were turned upside down.  We closed on our house on Amelia’s first birthday, moved into said house the next day, and then held her first birthday party the following day (which also happened to be my birthday).  Here comes Paperless Post.  I was able to quickly create a photo invite and send it out via email to our friends and family and get updates with RSVPs.  Then the best part, I was able to order the invitation printed on beautiful cardstock for her baby book.  So she never has to know that life got too busy for a standard invitation.

• Last weekend I traveled to Port Angeles Washington to visit one of my best friends in her new hometown.  We went on an ocean kayak trip with Adventures in Kayaking.  Our guide Jake was fantastic.  We saw otters, ate bull kelp (aka the kale of the ocean), and learned so much about the area and the wildlife.  If you’re ever in the area I highly recommend it.

•  Aiden, my ten-year-old, was a bit jealous that I had a book club with my girlfriends so he started a new book club for the two of us.  After we each read the book (he is always way faster than I am) we meet and have snacks and discuss the book.  It really is the cutest thing how much he loves our meetings.  Our latest book was A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.  I’m not typically a fantasy fan, but it was a great read.  Part of our book club meeting will be watching the movie to compare the two.  If you have any suggestions for us I would love to hear them!  He reads at a 7th-grade level but is only 10 so it is hard to find books that are challenging, and still appropriate.

Have a great weekend friends!


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