getting personal • Bozeman photographers

I have decided posts are going to get a little more personal around here.  I ask you to be personal with me so that I can capture your real family, so why shouldn’t I be real with you?  And if you know me  you know I gab about my life and kid every time we chat.

As the mother of a toddler I found it challenging to get him to eat great food.  He could eat carbs and cheese all day, but the real stuff was a challenge.  It was a challenge for me to remember to give him the good stuff.  Enter my friend Erin she introduced me to the face lunch.  Now 9 times out of 10 Aiden has a face lunch.  He thinks it is awesome.  A face lunch consists of me standing in front of the fridge and pantry and looking at what we have available.  We use up left-overs and lots of fruits and veggies.

The 2nd and 3rd best part of the face lunch is that he eats it quickly (every other meal is an hour long process) and he eats it all!  The BEST part is that he usually east the veggies first.  The lunch below he ate the grilled cheese last, he ate the carrot lips first, and the mustache was his favorite, he now requests a mustache. 🙂  (My child is a bit OCD he is lining up his placemat with the table)

Here are a few more of his lunches (from the camera phone):

(Orange slices, pb&j, walnut, and ants on a log)

(left over chicken, raisins, walnut, and carrots)

(shredded carrots (left over from making carrot cake), grilled cheese, walnut (see he grabs the walnut first), oranges and ants on a log)

Now I need to add a little disclaimer, I’m not an awesome Mom and I did not think of any of these ideas myself.  I have amazing women in my life who share their wisdom with me, I am simply the messenger.  Also these posts are things that have worked for my life and my child and life isn’t one size fits all.


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