Learning to Click • Bozeman Photography Workshop

After the great success of my parent resource class with the Natural Baby Company, I have been getting a lot of request wondering if I would offer a more in-depth DSLR photography class.  Many of you have DSLRs, but haven’t had time to sit down and read the manual (who really wants to do that?!) and really figure out how to use your camera.  Are you guilty of shooting on Auto all of the time (you know… that little green box on the dial?)?

After a lot of thought and preparation I’m happy to announce my very first Learning to Click basic DSLR photograph workshop!  This workshop includes hands on guidance, a structured curriculum that will cover the components of your camera and how to use all of those buttons, the basics of lighting and composition and many other topics.  The workshop will also include time for us to go out and photograph real children to practice your new skills.  You will walk away with the confidence and understanding how to put that nice camera to use in taking photos in your everyday life.

**It’s important to note that this course will not be covering any information about starting a photography business or advanced photography or Photoshop instruction; but rather focused on the everyday shooting aspect of your life.  If you’re looking for information on taking your photography to the next level, this course is probably not best suited for you.

Learning to Click – saying no to auto and learning to step outside the green box
Workshop Details

When: The first workshop will be held on Saturday October 22, 2011 from 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Where: The Birth Place gathering room (820 N Wallace Suite A Bozeman Montana)

What is included:

  • 60+ page workbook for you to take home detailing all of the lessons that we will be covering and for you to refer back to after the workshop as you start practicing at home.
  • Snacks
  • real life practice photographing real children, with help from me, the ability to ask questions, and practice everything you just learned.
  • many new skills to start clicking more!
Required Equipment:

  • You must have a DSLR camera
  • users manual that came with your camera
  • lens for your camera
  • Optional: a speedlight/flash for your camera.  Many cameras will already have this built in.  We will only briefly be touching on flash.  The majority of our shooting will be done in natural/available light.

Cost: Workshop cost is $100 per person and is due at the time of registration.  Tuition is fully refundable up to two weeks prior to the class (before October 8th).  Any cancelations within 2 weeks of the workshop will receive a $50 refund.

This workshop will be capped at 10 participants to ensure that we have ample time to give individualized attention to everyone.  I’m happy to add a waiting list should the class fill up.  If the class does not reach a minimum of 5 participants by October 14th it will be canceled and all tuition paid refunded.

How to register: You can register by clicking here to pay your tuition and reserve your spot.  Registrations will be on a first come first served basis.


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