Parents with Cameras! • Bozeman children’s photographer

Attention parents with cameras!  Would you like to learn how to take better pictures of your children?  I am here to help!  Join me and The Natural Baby Company for this FREE parent resource class June 15th at 6 pm.  I will teach you how to use your camera to take better pictures of your kids.  Please call The Natural Baby Company at 406-522-0800 or stop into their store at 1203 N Rouse Ave #3a (next to Lone Mountain Gymnastics and the Daily Coffee Bar) to sign up.  Space is limited so don’t delay!

I’m so excited to share some great tips with you and show off photos of my friends and family along the way; like this one of my little guy making the best of a rainy day!

OK now go sign up!

  1. Cindy says:

    I’m so stinkin’ excited!! 😀

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