The craziest part of photographing sweet sleeping little newborns is that you blink and bam they are funny, adorable, almost walking 1 year olds!  Wasn’t this little girl just in her mama’s belly?!  Now that the weather has turned frigid this little sunshine is warming up my day.  Little miss was so close to walking and […]

children, family, onlocation

November 11, 2014

a little sunshine • Bozeman photographers

I have joined up with a wonderful group of photographers from all over North America to share our real lives with our readers.  This month’s theme is “Real Adventure”.  In June we had the adventure of 2 toddlers on a trampoline, without a net.  We had to have the adults spread around the perimeter to […]


July 22, 2014

Real adventure • Bozeman family photography

     I was delighted when I got a call from a client wanting to gift her mother with a photo session for Mother’s day.  I think we are all too guilty of not having enough photos of our kids with their grandparents.  I’m the worst at getting those images captured.  I’m usually so focused […]

family, onlocation, portrait

July 1, 2014

Oma and Opa • Bozeman area photographers

  This sweet mama’s one request for her son’s 9 month baby photos was wildflowers.  A very easy request at the end of May.  Unfortunately it was a difficult request after the MONTH of rain, and multiple weather reschedules.  I arrived at our desired location a little early to scope out a few hidden spots.  As I […]

baby, onlocation, portrait

June 27, 2014

Bozeman family photographers – among the wildflowers

  There are 12 entries in the running to become Kelly Kuntz Photography’s Pic of the Year. These images were selected by the clients themselves for your consideration to become winners. Here’s how it works: NOW thru midnight MST on January 26th. Thank you for voting the contest has now ended see who won. Cast your […]


January 20, 2014

Pic of the year! (ended)• Kelly Kuntz Photography

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