Week two

Sorry I’ve been slacking on posing lately. I’m still getting used to this new role, while Aiden is getting used to life on the outside. I can’t believe my baby is going to be three weeks old tomorrow! WOW!

Here is what we’ve been up to this week…

getting dressed up… I bought this “Delive(red)” shirt at the Gap in San Francisco when I was a mere 4 weeks pregnant. I feel like he has grown so much so I measured him, but he is still 21 inches so I guess he is just beefing up and not getting taller. He sure does look little here though.Posing for mom.and over it!

Taking a bath… Aiden LOVES the water!
Sleeping…Aiden loves his hands and always wiggles them out of a swaddle, but he soothes himself by sucking on his fingers and doesn’t wake himself up with his hands so I’ve just started swaddling him with his hands up.
Last night we enjoyed dinner on the front porch. I love it when he purses his lips like this, he is just asking to be kissed 🙂 It looks like he is going to have blue eyes like his mama. His eyes are still a little bit yellow from some jaundice. He got two big bumps/bruises from coming into the world and is still trying to work it out of his system.

I’ll try to be a better blogger! I’m still taking a photo every day though 🙂

  1. Sam and Jules says:

    He does look SO tiny in that gap outfit..haha. What a cutie, Kelly he’s so cute. I wish I lived closer to you guys, I want to meet him 🙂 I love the new pictures you posted!

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