What the birth of Amelia looks like • Bozeman Birth Photographer

Together with six other amazing Montana photographers we continue our fourth month of a lifestyle blogging project. Our simple goal is to capture our own families from a true life perspective. This personal project we share is called, “What _______ looks like.” Each month we each choose to fill in that blank with our own words. We will each link to the next photographer until our circle of 7 is complete. I hope you follow the our circle and enjoy this peek into our lives. Hopefully it will help inspire you to start recording your own family’s unique moments.

This month I’m breaking the rules.  The photos for this month’s post were all taken by the lovely and wonderful Lauren Brown.  Lauren is an amazing wedding and portrait photographer.  I was thrilled that she agreed to photograph my birth.  Now on with the story…

On the morning of March 15th I was headed into the OB for our second stress test because I was 9 days over due.  I had tried many old wives tales to induce labor with no success.  Castor oil did not even work!  I was ready to meet my baby so I asked to be induced.  After a room became available we got checked in and settled at the hospital and started pitocin.  We took a nap, and got caught up on Surviror.  At 3 pm my wonderful friend and doula in training Cindy arrived along with my first contraction.  I didn’t want Lauren to wait around for hours so I was waiting to call her until we were closer to delivery.  We walked the halls to get the contractions going and then I settled in on the yoga ball.  It was the only position that provided relief.  I attempted a warm bath but it made me feel much more uncomfortable.  I started to stress out, the contractions were so intense and lasting for 4+ minutes.  I asked Ryan to call Lauren, and then demanded they turn my pitocin down… Luckily Lauren was close to the hospital because as she walked in I was already pushing at 5:40 pm.  They say second babies come fast, but less than 3 hours in labor was crazy!

As our lovely pediatrician handed Ryan his daughter for the first time, he quickly realized he needed to take of his sweater first.  His t-shirt says “mini van mega fun!”.  He wore it for Aiden’s birth and had to keep the tradition alive.

I am so grateful Lauren was able to capture these images of my son seeing his new sister for the first time.  A moment I would have otherwise missed had she not been there.

Thank you Lauren for documenting Amelia’s birth, we are forever thankful!

Now please click on over to see what Jeremiah & Rachel are up to this month, and be sure to check out the story of their sweet engagement!  Congratulations you two!

  1. Katie says:

    The pic where Aiden is holding the flowers and looking at his baby sister through the glass made my heart melt. Congrats Kelly 😉

  2. Tara Martin says:

    These photos are amazing! Thank you for sharing this, how special!!

  3. Cindy says:

    Lauren did such a beautiful job! Such an amazing family and an amazing birth. Congratulations Kuntz family! 😀

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