What Saturday mornings look like • Bozeman lifestyle photographer

Together with six other amazing Montana photographers we continue our sixth month of a lifestyle blogging project. Our simple goal is to capture our own families from a true life perspective. This personal project we share is called, “What _______ looks like.” Each month we each choose to fill in that blank with our own words. We will each link to the next photographer until our circle of 7 is complete. I hope you follow the our circle and enjoy this peek into our lives. Hopefully it will help inspire you to start recording your own family’s unique moments.

Our little family has a routine.  Every Saturday we are in Bozeman we meet up with our friends at Rockford coffee.  Our friends have been going for years, we’ve been going for a year and a half.  We sit, we drink, we laugh, we eat and laugh some more.  Our little ritual feeds our souls.  When we walk in the baristas yell our name; “Norm!”  Not really 🙂 but it is our version of Cheers.  Even a new baby couldn’t keep us from our routine.  We check out of the hospital Saturday morning and our first stop was coffee.  Some days we have 3 people, and somedays we take over the whole place.  This last Saturday we took over the whole place which included 3 babies, 3 kids, 11+ bagels and a whole lot of fun.

So if you see our crazy crowd at Rockford stop and say hello!

Now head on over to see what Jeremiah and Rachel and Skye Hatten are up to this month!


  1. Darcie says:

    I personally like the bottle of Pendleton just chillin above the benches!

  2. admin says:

    Just in case you need a little extra kick to your coffee 😉 It was a sympathy gift.

  3. joe coombs says:

    This is a wonderful “snapshot” of our Saturday life together. Thanks for putting your work.

  4. Jodie says:

    I love reading your blog, Kelly! This series is really fun too. You’re so talented!!

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