As I was weeding through images from our little photoshoot I marked no less than 50 as keepers.  50!  Granted I proof many more than I would for a client because many are snap shots that really show Aiden’s personality.  Here are a few of my favorites. Squinty eye smiles with his buddy. and then […]

Aiden, photoshoot, vacation

June 28, 2010

a few …

The FINAL part of our summer vacation!  Can I get a hallelujah?!  Sit back, relax (just don’t fall asleep) and enjoy. For the last two days of our trip it rained, and rained.  Not really images of a “summer” vacation, but we made the best of it!  Aunt Christy showed Aiden how to use her […]

belly, family, vacation

August 25, 2009

Glacier Park Part 5 • rain rain and more rain

Just to clarify I was playing the part of my Dad 🙂  When we were kids (heck still today) when he whips out the video camera he always says “What are we doing?” And then a long video of Aiden toddling around camp.

family, vacation, video

July 30, 2009

what are we doing? • Glacier Park Part 2

After we left my parents house we drove home while Aiden thankfully napped in the car.  We parked leaving the napping baby and switched out gifts and got back on the road to Ryan’s mom’s house. When I remember Christmas with the Oddy’s one word comes to mind… CHAOS!  4 boys 2 and under made […]

Cameron, Colter, Ethan, family, holiday, Oddy Family, vacation

January 22, 2009

Christmas recap part 2

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