I’m back

On the evening of August 10th I received a call from my sister in Colorado.  Due to a complication with her pregnancy she would be having a c-section the next day.  We were all planning a trip to Colorado for the birth of our new nephew but weren’t prepared for 3.5 weeks early!  Thank you to wonderful clients and coligues we were able to reschedule everything and leave the next morning to Colorado.  Little Aaron was born August 11th, he is perfect. I am so grateful to my clients for your understanding as I was out of touch for 2 weeks.  I’m thankful my kids are great travelers and survived two 12 hour days in the car without too much complaining. I was able to work through all of my emails yesterday so if you are waiting for a response from me and didn’t get one please send your email again because I didn’t receive it.  


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