What baby’s first road trip looks like • Bozeman Lifestyle photographer

Together with six other amazing Montana photographers we continue our second month of a lifestyle blogging project. Our simple goal is to capture our own families from a true life perspective. This personal project we share is called, “What _______ looks like.” Each month we each choose to fill in that blank with our own words. We will each link to the next photographer until our circle of 7 is complete. I hope you follow the our circle and enjoy this peek into our lives. Hopefully it will help inspire you to start recording your own family’s unique moments.

As little Amelia turned thee weeks old, we packed into the truck and set out on baby’s first road trip up to the Flathead valley for Easter weekend. Little miss isn’t a big fan of her car seat so we were pretty nervous, but she did great! She slept the entire time only crying when she was ready to be fed.

Big brother Aiden talked our ears off and after 3 hours enjoyed a little iPad movie time.

We are big fans of our local coffee shops, but on the road we hit up Starbucks for a pick me up. The view in front of me, and the view next to me. The welcome view, that we’ve arrived at our first destination, Polson, overlooking the beautiful Flathead lake.

Naps in random spots under a watchful eye.

Our next stop was to Whitefish to introduce Amelia June to her great grandma June.

Our next stop was to Columbia Falls, Ameila isn’t a morning person so she missed out on Saturday morning iPad cartoons.

Amelia did great on her first road trip and I can see many more in her future.

Click on over to see what Rachel and Jeremiah are up to this month!

  1. Skye says:

    Very sweet…how about Grandma June’s expression of pure happiness???

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